Thursday, May 23, 2013

Puzzle Sandwich- What A Great Idea!

I am a huge fan of making fun designs out of my kiddos' meals. I have a ton of different cookie cutters.  I have made dishes designed as being under the sea, in outer space, animals, trains, shapes, etc. But this is one of the coolest designs I have seen for young kids! My four year old is just getting the real puzzles, and he loves them. He thought this PB&J was awesome! He was so excited to put it together before he ate it. My almost 3 year old even thought it was cool! This is a Munchkin Puzzle Sandwich Cutter. $1.97 at Walmart and TOTALLY worth it! I looked it up after seeing how much he enjoyed it- and there are other brands of puzzle piece cutters, that you can continually connect together no matter how many piece you do, but they were rather expensive (over $10, which I think is too much to spend on something like this), but for less than $2, this one is pretty cool! And it worked really well as you can see. This was too fun and easy not to share!

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